Recipients of EU funding - European Commission
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Recipients of EU funding

Making public the information on who receives EU funding is one of the key objectives of the European transparency initiative.

European citizens are entitled to know how their money is used. Making public the information on who receives EU funding is one of the key objectives of the European transparency initiative.

The European Maritime, Fisheries and Aquaculture Fund (EMFAF) and its predecessor, the European Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) are managed by national authorities under a system known as 'shared management'. Each year, countries that receive such funding were required to publish relevant information on their websites, including information on natural persons who are beneficiaries of the funds.

However, in its judgement of 9 November 2010 in cases concerning the obligation to publish information on beneficiaries of the European Agricultural funds the Court of Justice of the European Union concluded that the publication of certain information relating to natural persons was not proportionate. Consequently the Court declared that the relevant provisions were invalid.

Managing authorities should publish structured information on selected operations and beneficiaries on the website of the programme providing support to the operation, while taking account of requirements for data protection of personal data in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

The European Commission maintains this webpage to facilitate public access to information on beneficiaries of EMFAF payments (shared management) which are published on Member States' websites.

To access this information, please visit the websites of the respective countries. Please note that the information below is "work in progress" and subject to ongoing updates based on information that the Commission receives from the Member States.

Important notice

The European Commission maintains this webpage to facilitate public access to information. Please note that the web pages linked to are under the control of Member states and Managing Authorities of the European Union and are not under the control of the Commission services. The content of these sites is the sole responsibility of the Member states and Managing Authorities concerned. The list of links on this webpage is based on information provided by Member states. The list is not necessarily exhaustive. The degree of coverage and detail as well as the way of presenting the information on the web sites linked to can vary widely according to the Member state. The European Commission therefore cannot guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the data or information provided, nor does it accept responsibility or liability for any use made thereof.

List of countries