Today, the European Commission launched two targeted consultations to ask stakeholders to contribute to two upcoming reports: the report on the functioning of the common fisheries policy (CFP) and the report on the common market organisation (CMO). The Commission will deliver the reports by the end of 2022, as announced in articles 48 and 49 of their respective regulations.
The 2022 common fisheries policy (CFP) report
The objective of this report is to address the functioning of the CFP and look at how we can strengthen its implementation.
The online questionnaire follows the chapters of the CFP Regulation. It is part of the targeted stakeholder consultation, which will help the Commission collect information on the functioning of the CFP. It will provide the basis for more in-depth discussions at regional level starting in April 2022. The consultation process will end with an event before the summer of 2022. The report will also be based on the supporting studies, referred to in the corresponding chapters of the questionnaire.
The 2022 common market organisation (CMO) report
The objective of the CMO report is to take stock on the implementation of the CMO Regulation and its legal provisions, such as provisions on professional organisations, compulsory marketing standards, information to consumers, the implementation of competition rules, and the collection of common market intelligence.
The report will be based on the evidence collected through the Commission’s checks of compliance, Member States’ reporting, European Parliament reports, ad hoc studies and surveys (Eurobarometer, Pilot project on transnational POs, evaluation of marketing standards) and the Market Advisory Council opinions and recommendations.
The online questionnaire follows the chapters of the CMO Regulation. It is part of the targeted stakeholder consultation, which will help to build an overview of the stakeholders' main concerns and gather information on specific topics.
Questions for both consultations are designed to identify what does or does not work well; identify any evidence of shortcomings in the implementation of the two respective Regulations; and highlight good practices or innovative tools or processes implemented by the stakeholders or Member States. Stakeholders are invited to comment on any and/or all topics, suggest solutions for the challenges and to provide any other information they may consider important.
All stakeholders, including the fishing industry, non-governmental organisations, academic, scientific, social and economic partners are invited to take part and share their views in these targeted consultations by 14 March 2022.
Updated on 15/02/2022 to reflect the deadline extension from 28 February 2022 to 14 March 2022.
- Publication date
- 17 December 2021 (Last updated on: 15 February 2022)
- Author
- Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries