Today, the Commission published a report on the implementation of technical measures to protect fisheries resources and marine ecosystems. Technical measures ensure the sustainable management of fisheries through various provisions to minimise the negative impact of fishing activities on marine biodiversity and ecosystems, including:
- the use of innovative fishing gears and practices
- setting minimum conservation sizes for fish species to protect juveniles and allow stocks to recover
- the limitation or prohibition of fishing activities in certain areas or periods
Since 2021, the Commission approved 14 delegated acts based on joint recommendations received at regional level by Member States and endorsed by scientific advice, such as:
- the protection of harbour porpoise in the Baltic Sea, and
- the seasonal closure to protect Atlantic halibut’s spawning areas in the Skagerrak and Kattegat.
The report also includes advice from the International Council of the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) on innovative gears, sharing the latest developments in this field. Innovation is key for a resilient and competitive EU fisheries sector to provide European consumers with high quality seafood products, while minimising the impact on the marine environment.
The report also identifies areas for improvement, such as the need to accelerate the adoption of measures to mitigate the impact on sensitive species.
The involvement and contributions received from all interested actors, particularly the Advisory Councils, remain essential to implement technical measures.
The technical measures regulation entered into force in 2019. Its goal is to contribute to the objectives of the common fisheries policy and achieve good environmental status, as set out in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the relevant provisions of the Birds and Habitats Directives.
The regulation allows EU Member States with a fisheries interest in a specific sea basin to agree on regional technical measures, adapted to specific regional circumstances.
The Commission should report on the implementation of the regulation every three years. This is the second report since the regulation entered into force.
More information
Implementation of the Technical Measures Regulation (Article 31 of Regulation (EU) 2019/1241)
- Publication date
- 30 July 2024
- Author
- Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries