#EUBeachCleanup 2024: Working together against marine litter - European Commission Skip to main content
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  • News blog
  • 2 December 2024
  • Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
  • 2 min read

#EUBeachCleanup 2024: Working together against marine litter

Wrapping up the 2024 #EUBeachCleanup campaign, 367 events across the world collected tonnes of litter to raise awareness about marine pollution and its impact on the ocean. 

#EUBeachCleanup in Brussels, participants from the EU, UN and the Smurfs are gathered in the park
#EUBeachCleanup in Brussels, with the EU, UN and the Smurfs.

The #EUBeachCleanup is a worldwide awareness raising campaign against marine litter, organised by the European Union in partnership with the United Nations and the Smurfs.  

It features events organised by the EU and UN offices across the globe, but also so many organised by NGOs, citizens, researchers or schools! 

So, our sincerest congratulations and many thanks to all the organisers and participants for this year’s efforts: 

#EUBeachCleanup 2024

Going global 

#EUBeachCleanup event organised by the EU Delegation in Mauritania, participants on the beach
#EUBeachCleanup event organised by the EU Delegation in Mauritania

Outstanding participation from no less than 53 countries, across all continents, within the EU and beyond!  

From Spain to Cambodia, Montenegro to Cameroon, or Ireland, Italy and Greece to Honduras, Japan and New Zealand – around the world in one beautiful wave of clean-ups. 

2024 EUBeachCleanup map

Going local 

An underwater clean-up was organised by the City of Dubrovnik for the #EUBeachCleanup, divers are standing on a boat
An underwater clean-up organised by the City of Dubrovnik for the #EUBeachCleanup

If the campaign spreads all over the world, its success is also thanks to the great participation at local level! From Europe Direct Centers to municipalities part of the BELC (Building Europe with Local Councillors) network – it is thanks to motivated and concerned communities caring for their environment that this campaign has a real impact.  

For instance, BELC partner municipality, Dubrovnik, organised an underwater cleanup in Zaton with divers from the Dubrovnik Diving Club, gathering over half a ton of glass, metal, plastic waste, and car tires. 

Starting small 

Activities organised around the #EUBeachCleanup organised by the delegation in Jordan

Incredible participation from schools this year again, giving the opportunity to teach kids from a young age about the ocean and the impact they can have on it.  

The opportunity for our EU Blue Schools network to put the ocean literacy curriculums in practice! For instance, in Nettuno Italy, students went on a field session to monitor the health status of some coastal waterways and beaches adopting a scientific monitoring protocol. 

Working with NGOs 

#EUBeachCleanup organised by the EU Representation in Portugal with Oceano Azul. People gathered on the beach
#EUBeachCleanup organised by the EU Representation in Portugal with Oceano Azul.

Collaboration with NGOs is always key to spreading the word on a local level, and with experts in the field. May it be with Legambiente in Italy, River Cleanup in Belgium or Save the Baltic and their expedition over 8 countries.  

Special mention to yet another year of amazing collaboration with NGO Oceano Azul in Portugal, which gathered no less than 220 events alone this year!  

What did we find?

#EUBeachCleanup organised by the EU Delegation in Tunisia, rubbish found on the beach, mainly plastic bottles
#EUBeachCleanup organised by the EU Delegation in Tunisia

Although it is difficult to assess exactly how much litter was collected, here are some highlights on the most common and surprising items we found! 

  • Dolls 
  • Shoes 
  • A clothing hanger 
  • Mattresses 
  • A car fuse 
  • An oven 

And as per usual, one of the principal suspects: cigarette butts. In Tarragona, just 10 people joining a clean-up organised Federación Española de Pesca y Casting even collected no less than 5,000 of them! 

Want to learn more? 

Check out our pages on the #EUBeachCleanup Campaign, on clean ocean and seas, the marine environment, and plastics. 

See you next year for the #EUBeachCleanup 2025!


Publication date
2 December 2024
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries