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Oceans and fisheries


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Fishing vessel © PerErik/Adobe Stock
  • News announcement

Today, the European Commission has launched a new website on EU Fishing Authorisations. Users can now search for data on fishing authorisations that have been granted during the last 10 years for EU vessels fishing outside EU waters and for non-EU vessels fishing in EU waters.

  • 1 min read
Sea Rangers collecting a plastics sampling net © Sea Ranger Service
  • News article

The mission of the Dutch startup Sea Ranger Service is to restore 1 million hectares of ocean biodiversity by the year 2040, while training 20,000 young people for a maritime career.

  • 3 min read
Scene from practical rescue and survival training at sea, ©Rok Sorta
  • News article

With a little less than 50 km of coastline, fishers in Slovenia often need to be able to diversify. This is why the maritime school of Portorož partnered with local fishers and Istra fisheries local action group to launch an EU-funded training programme “Be a fisher!”,

  • 2 min read
BBMBC participants to a meeting
  • News article

The European Green Deal envisages a central role for the blue economy. For this to happen, the blue economy needs a large pool of highly-qualified and skilled professionals. Yet today, many blue economy sectors have difficulties finding the right people.

  • 2 min read