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Oceans and fisheries

Controlling the spread of blue crab

La Safor FLAG

The fishing community of El Palmar and researchers from the University of Valencia joined forces to study and control the spread of blue crab in the Albufera lagoon.

Fishers in the Albufera, a large freshwater lagoon in the Gulf of Valencia, face increasing numbers of blue crab (Callinectes sapidus), an aggressive invader that preys on other species and destroys fishing gear.

The project set out to learn the migratory movements of the blue crab so to be able to stop it spreading further. As a result, a plan is being developed to promote the sustainable recovery of the Albufera by reducing blue crab numbers. The main approach is to intercept the female crabs during the spawning period, before they reach the sea. Knowledge of their migration patterns allows greater numbers to be caught. The blue crabs are good to eat and their sale generates a profit for the fishers, while helping the local environment to recover.


This project brought together scientists and experts from the fishing sector to provide a solution to all the environmental, social and economic issues related to the blue crab in the Albufera. The result is a joint action plan that takes account of the fishing effort required.

With eel fishing banned from April to October, the local fishers could only fish for blue crabs during the remaining five months of the year. The study convinced the management authorities of the Albufera Natural Park that controlling blue crab requires year-round fishing, with specific modified gear that does not catch eels.

The study has provided a better understanding of the behaviour of the blue crab and its migratory movement in the area, and especially how this behaviour differs from that in the crab’s original home in the western Atlantic.


José Caballer Torrent

José Caballer Torrent
El Palmar Fishers’ Community
Phone number

Fisheries LAG

Fisheries LAG
La Safor FLAG
galpgandiaalbuferaatgmail [dot] com
Phone number
+34 961620347