Czechs to eat more fish - European Commission
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Czechs to eat more fish

By leveraging EU funding, a company innovated its fish farm and processing company, creating products that cater to Czech tastes and expanding the market for fish-based foods.

© Tilapia s.r.o.

In 2012-2015, Jan Hora, founder of Tilapia s.r.o., used excess heat from his biogas plant to begin farming tilapia in southern Bohemia. Facing competition and farming challenges, the company switched to African catfish, offering firmer meat that appeals to Czech consumers. Tilapia s.r.o. also developed innovative fish products, including sausages resembling traditional Czech meat. With the support of the European Maritime Fisheries Fund (EMFF), the company expanded its operations with
new equipment, retail shops, and a distribution network. Additionally, promotional activities like school lunch programs and year-round marketing helped overcome the seasonal fish consumption peak around Christmas.


  • Diversification of Czech fish production, contributing to the sector's innovation.
  • Support of the regional economy of Southern Bohemia, a predominantly rural area.
  • The company's products are sold in school lunches, three owned shops, 15 partner stores across Czechia, and an online platform.
  • Enhancement of the environmental and social sustainability by using waste heat from a biogas plant and produces 80 000 kg of African catfish annually and employing 20 people.


Jan Hora

Jan Hora
Tilapia s.r.o.
Phone number
+420 777 788 500