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Oceans and fisheries

ECOFISH: eco-strategies for sustainable fisheries management

University researchers and fishers in Spain are co-developing innovative measures for environmentally sustainable fishing.

© Andrés de la Cruz

Researchers at the University of Cadiz cooperated with fishers in the area to develop innovative measures for environmentally sustainable fishing in the Gulf of Cadiz.

EMFF funds were used to evaluate marine litter and discards; host meetings and interviews with the fishing sector; organise workshops with fisheries administrations, researchers, conservationists, fishers and fisheries associations; evaluate by-catches in trawling and longline fishing; register different species of seabirds; conduct research trips to assess marine litter pollution and evaluate discards; and host workshops for fishers on managing discard under the landing obligation.


  • Conducted over 100 trips to evaluate by-catches in trawling and longline fishing, assess marine litter pollution in the Gulf of Cadiz and evaluate discards.
  • Registration of more than 30,000 seabirds of 33 different species, including threatened species.
  • Proposed an increase of 8 km2 of the Special Protection Areas for Birds (SPA) based on findings of the project.
  • Delivered workshop on managing discard under the landing obligation, with over 50 participants.


Gonzalo Muñoz Arroyo

Faculty of Marine and Environmental Science

Gonzalo Muñoz Arroyo
Universidad de Cádiz (UCA)
gonzalo [dot] munozatuca [dot] es
Phone number
+34 606765186