This 'one-stop shop' helps people find their way through the maze of information and procedures to enter this old and important trade.
The world of fisheries is surprisingly complex, so the project guides the new entrants while informing them about all the requirements connected with fisheries, including regulations specific to fishing, social aspects, maritime safety, and education.
The initial idea saw the light in 2016-2017, when the fisheries committee of the region used its own funds to support individual fishers. The success of the initiative soon needed of more resources. With EMFF funding from the Brest, Cornouailles and Morlaix FLAGs, this project has been able to continue and develop further, offering individual structured interviews covering all the topics young fishers need to keep in mind when they start up in business.
A questionnaire collects detailed information from the fishers including their personal background and experience in the trade, the type of business they envisage, what kind of vessel they are looking for, where they plan to fish, and the licences they will need. The process also helps the fishers contact local banks, accountants, training institutions and producer organisations. These steps help to give the newcomers a clear overview of where they are in the start-up process and what they need to do next.
- Project locations
- France
- Overall budget
- €109 282
- EU contribution
- €21 85620% of the overall budget
The project has guided around 100 people so far, and 85% of them have successfully started up in fishing.
Other fishing committees have noticed the success of the project and are interested in replicating it in their local areas.
To facilitate the recreation of the success, part of the EU funding was used to develop a guide that can be shared with other interested fisheries committees in the region and allow them to see the successful generational renewal that this project has brought along.
Solenne Le Guennec
- Name
- Solenne Le Guennec
- Organisation
- Comité des pêches maritimes et élevages marins
- leguennec [dot] cdpmem29
gmail [dot] com
Cornouailles FLAG
- Name
- Cornouailles FLAG
- carole [dot] escaravage
qcd [dot] bzh
- Phone number
- +33 298103407