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Oceans and fisheries

Recruiting young people to train with experienced fishers

Apprentice fisher in Lapland, Finland

The Lapland fisheries LAG has financed a fisheries recruitment and training project to rejuvenate the ageing fisheries sector in the area around the Lokka and Porttipahta reservoirs. As a result, 14 young people of both genders have started to fish.

Like many fishing communities, the Lokka-Porttipahta reservoir in northern Finland has an ageing population and problems attracting local young people to the sector. To maintain the local supply chain, recruiting youth to the sector is essential to the survival of the area’s fisheries.

To reverse the ageing trend, this project, led by the Lokka Fishers’ Cooperative, assessed ways to attract young adults to the area and its fishing industry. The project identified three objectives: to ensure the continuity of fishing in the area, improve the professional skills of both new and existing fishers, and develop an innovative recruitment model.

The result was a ‘master and apprentice’ programme in which newly recruited young adults were trained for two and a half years by the area’s senior fishers. This was a flexible programme that provided the apprentices with enough time for other work and study commitments, which was important since the project did not offer an initial income.


14 young fishers started to work in the area, including two women. The total number of commercial fishers in the reserve has almost doubled.

There has been new investment in the port and processing infrastructure (as well as other development funding), and more is expected. The new fishers are also expected to bring new ideas to develop the local fisheries sector.

After the project finished, the Lokka Fishers’ Cooperative decided to carry on under their own steam. Experienced fishers are committed to providing training for anyone who is genuinely interested in work as a fisher. This has increased the importance of the role that the fisheries sector has in developing the local economy.


Marjaana Aarnio

Marjaana Aarnio
Sodankylän Kunta
marjaana [dot] aarnioatgmail [dot] com
Phone number
+358 40 4110515

Markku Ahonen

Markku Ahonen
Lapland FLAG
markku [dot] ahonenatpll [dot] fi