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Oceans and fisheries

Refrigerated van for direct deliveries

Small-scale fisher brings better quality fish products direct to consumers thanks to a refrigerated van and other investments to handle and stock his catch.

Small-scale fisher brings better quality fish products direct to consumers thanks to a refrigerated van and other investments to handle and stock his catch.

Eddy Eliazord had been fishing off the coast of Martinique for over ten years when he decided to seek EMFF support to improve the handling and sales of his catch. Thanks to the contribution of an EU grant, he was able to purchase a refrigerated van to deliver his fish under excellent conditions directly to customers.

He also invested in equipment to handle and stock his fish, including a cold room, a station to clean and filet his fish and a vacuum packing machine. This has given him more control and flexibility in terms of handling his catch and means he can package fish in smaller quantities for individual customers. Together, the different investments have facilitated his daily work and allowed Mr Eliazord to deliver a higher quality product to his local community.


  • Improved product quality 
  • Increased number of customers
  • 23% increase in sales price per kilo
  • Improved working conditions and shorter working time (total catch sold in one day instead of over two days). 


Mr Eddy Eliazord

Mr Eddy Eliazord
eliazeddyathotmail [dot] com