CLLD Factsheet: Improving the selectivity of trawl nets Details Publication date9 January 2024AuthorDirectorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries Description Files 9 JANUARY 2024CLLD factsheet: Improving the selectivity of trawl netsOther languages (17)български(845.81 KB - PDF)Downloadespañol(838.05 KB - PDF)Downloaddansk(839.42 KB - PDF)DownloadDeutsch(879.87 KB - PDF)Downloadeesti(836.52 KB - PDF)Downloadελληνικά(846 KB - PDF)Downloadfrançais(839.89 KB - PDF)Downloadhrvatski(839.18 KB - PDF)Downloaditaliano(838 KB - PDF)Downloadlatviešu(837.91 KB - PDF)Downloadlietuvių(838.91 KB - PDF)DownloadNederlands(839.05 KB - PDF)Downloadpolski(841.8 KB - PDF)Downloadportuguês(840.69 KB - PDF)Downloadromână(839.53 KB - PDF)Downloadslovenščina(837.33 KB - PDF)Downloadsuomi(836.75 KB - PDF)Download