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Oceans and fisheries

Success stories

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Success stories (133)

Showing results 100 to 110
  • News article

With a circular economy approach, the EU-funded OCEANETS project aims at dealing with marine litter, preventing the loss of the fishing gear, making the recovery of lost fishing gear much easier, and recycling the gears once recovered.

  • 2 min read
  • News article

Marine litter is a global concern, affecting all the oceans of the world. Awareness raising campaigns are an integral part of strategies to induce those changes. In Italy, a coalition of civil society, local institutions and parks has joined forces with the EU with the REMARE project.

  • 3 min read
Fil & Fab
  • News article

Walking along a dock, three design students noticed the abundance of old and discarded fishing nets. This led to a shoe prototype, the creation of an eco-friendly business, Fil & Fab, and critical acclaim at the Brest International Maritime Festival.

  • 2 min read
People on boats in Istria, Slovenia
  • News article

The beautiful coast of Istria is an extremely popular destination for holidaymakers: during the summer and on weekends, its waters are teeming with recreational vessels. This is a great economic resource for the local community, but it could have also some unexpected downsides.

  • 2 min read
Fish pond in Hungary
  • News article

Or how to produce delicious fish in a natural paradise (with a little help of the EU)

  • 3 min read