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Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna


Catch Documentation Scheme

Document number

CM –



Catch Tagging Form Document Numbers


CATCH/HARVEST SECTION – Tick and complete only one part

For Wild Fishery

Name of Catching Vessel

Registration Number

Flag State/Fishing Entity






For Farmed southern bluefin tuna (SBT)

CCSBT Farm Serial Number

Name of Farm





Document Number(s) of associated Farm Stocking (FS) Form(s)



Description of Fish

Product F (Fresh)

FR (Frozen)


Month of Catch/Harvest (mm/yy)

Gear Code

CCSBT Statistical Area

Net Weight (kg)

Total Number of whole Fish (including RD/GGO/GGT/DRO/DRT)






























For Other (OT): Describe the Type of Product



For Other (OT): Specify Conversion Factor



Name of Processing Establishment (if applicable)

Address of Processing Establishment (if applicable)





Validation by Authority (not required for exports transhipped at sea): I validate that the above information is complete, true and correct


Name and Title







INTERMEDIATE PRODUCT DESTINATION SECTION – (only for transhipments and/or exports) – tick and complete required part(s)


Certification by Master of Fishing Vessel: I certify that the catch/harvest information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.










Name of Receiving Vessel

Registration Number

Flag State/Fishing Entity






Certification by Master of Receiving Vessel: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.









Signature of Observer ( only for transhipment at sea):









Point of Export*


(State/Fishing Entity)




State or Province


State/Fishing Entity



For transhipments on the high seas, enter the CCSBT Statistical Area instead of State/Fishing Entity and leave other fields blank.



Certification by Exporter: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.



Licence No./Company Name










Validation by Authority: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.



Name and Title







FINAL PRODUCT DESTINATION SECTION – tick and complete only one destination

Landing of Domestic Product for Domestic sale

Certification of Domestic Sale: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief







Weight (kg)













Final Point of Import



State or Province


State/Fishing Entity


Certification by Importer: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.






Weight (kg)












Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna


Instruction Sheet


This form is to be issued by the State/Fishing Entity that holds the national quota allocation against which these SBT have been taken.

This form (CMF) must accompany all transhipments, landings of domestic product, exports, imports and re-exports of SBT, and a copy of this form must be provided to the issuing State/Fishing Entity. The only exception is that export/import of fish parts other than the meat (i.e. head, eyes, roe, guts, tails and fins) may be allowed without this document. Please note that:

For farms. Farm Stocking Form(s) must have been produced by the State/Fishing Entity for all SBT on the CMF and the document number of those Farm Stocking Form(s) must be recorded on the CMF.

Catch Tagging Form(s) must have been completed for all SBT on the CMF and copies must be provided to the issuing State/Fishing Entity. The document numbers of these Catch Tagging Form(s) must be recorded on the CMF.

If a language other than one of the CCSBT official languages (English and Japanese) is used in completing the form, please add the English or Japanese translation on the Document. The Catch Monitoring Form has 3 main sections: (1) Catch/Harvest; (2) Intermediate Product Destination; and (3) Final Product Destination. The Catch/Harvest and Final Product Destination sections must always be completed. However, the Intermediate Product Destination section only needs to be completed if the product is being exported and/or transhipped.

The top of the form contains 2 additional pieces of information that must always be completed. These are:

Document Number: Enter the unique document number that was allocated by the State/Fishing Entity of origin for this form.

Catch Tagging Form Document numbers: Enter the unique document number of each Catch Tagging Form that is associated with this form. If there is insufficient room to enter all document numbers, enter this information on a separate page and attach that page.

CATCH HARVEST SECTION – tick and complete only one part

Tick the box to specify whether the catch is for the Wild fishery or for Farmed SBT.

You must complete the part of the Catch Harvest section corresponding to the box that you ticked, and then complete the remainder of the section.

For Wild Fishery – This should only be completed for the wild fishery (not for farmed SBT)

Name of Catching Vessel: Enter the name of the catching vessel.

Registration Number: Enter the Registration Number of the catching vessel.

Flag State/Fishing Entity: Enter the Flag State or Fishing Entity of the catching vessel.

For Farmed SBT – This should only be completed for farmed SBT

CCSBT Farm Serial Number: Enter the serial number of the farm as recorded on the CCSBT list of authorised farms.

Name of Farm: Enter the Name of the Farm.

Document number(s) of the Associated Farm Stocking (FS) Form(s): Enter the unique document number of each Farm Stocking Form that is associated with this form. The Farm Stocking Form Number(s) associated with this form should all be for fish stocked in the same fishing season. If there is insufficient room to enter all document numbers, enter this information on a separate page and attach that page.

Description of Fish

All SBT described in this section must be sent to the Final Product Destination. Split shipments are not permitted, so if SBT are to go to two or more different destinations, a separate Catch Monitoring Form must be completed for the catch sent to each destination.

The shipment of SBT must be described, to the highest degree of accuracy using the following Information.

NOTE: One row shall describe one product type

Product: Enter the type of product being shipped as either FRESH (F) or FROZEN (FR).

Type: Enter the type code from the table below that most closely matches the type of the SBT. For OT, describe the type of product, and specify a conversion factor.






SBT Without any processing


Gilled and Gutted – Tail on

Processed with gills and gut removed. Operculae (gill plates/covers) and dorsal, pelvic and anal fins may or may not be removed


Gilled and Gutted – Tail off

Processed with gills, gut and tail removed. Operculae (gill plates/covers) and dorsal, pelvic and anal fins may or may not be removed


Dressed – Tail on

Processed with gills, gut operculae (gill plates/covers) and head removed. Dorsal, pelvic and anal fins may or may not be removed


Dressed – Tail off

Processed with gills, gut operculae (gill plates/covers) head and tail removed. Dorsal, pelvic and anal fins may or may not be removed



Processed further than DRT, with the trunk cut into fillets



None of the above

Month of Catch/Harvest (mm/yy): Enter the month and year of harvest of the southern bluefin tuna; in the case of farmed fish, this applies to the month of kill, not the month of initial harvest.

Gear code: Identify the gear type that was used to harvest the southern bluefin tuna using the list below; for OTHER TYPE, describe the type of gear. In the case of farmed fish, write “FARM”.














Mid-water Trawl


Purse Seine


Rod and Reel


Sport Handline


Sport Fisheries Unclassified


Surface Fisheries Unclassified


Tended Line






Unspecified Method


Other Type

CCSBT Statistical Area: Enter the area in which the southern bluefin tuna were harvested using the main CCSBT Statistical Areas (1 to 10 and 14 to 15) or the other CCSBT Statistical Areas (11 to 13) where there is no corresponding main area. In the case of farmed fish, it is not necessary to fill in this column. A map showing the statistical areas is provided on page 8 of these instructions.

Net Weight (kg): Enter the net product weight in kilograms. In the case of farmed SBT, this is the weight at the time of harvest from the farm (as opposed to when originally caught).

Total Number of whole Fish (including RD, GGO, GGT, DRO, DRT): Enter the number of fish that remain whole. A fish remains whole despite cleaning, gilling and gutting, freezing, removing fins, operculae (gill plates/covers) and tail and removing the head or parts of the head. A fish is no longer considered to be whole if it has undergone processes such as filleting or loining.

For Other (OT) Describe the type of product: If Product Type is Other (OT), then describe the product.

For Other (OT) Specify the Conversion Factor: If Product Type is Other (OT) then specify the Conversion Factor to be used to convert this weight to a whole weight equivalent.

Name of Processing Establishment (if applicable): Enter the name of the establishment that processed the southern bluefin tuna (if applicable).

Address of Processing Establishment (if applicable): Enter the address of the establishment that processed the southern bluefin tuna (if applicable).


Validation by Authority (not required for exports transhipped at sea): If this is not an export being transhipped at sea, enter the name and full title of the official (1) signing the document, together with the signature of the official, date (dd/mm/yyyy) and official seal. For SBT transhipped at sea and then landed domestically, validation should occur at the point of domestic landing (i.e. after transhipment).

INTERMEDIATE PRODUCT DESTINATION SECTION – only for transhipments and/or exports – tick and complete required part(s)

This section only needs to be completed if the product is being exported and/or transhipped.

Tick the box to specify whether the product is being transhipped or exported. If this is both a transhipment and an export then tick both boxes.

You must then complete the parts of the intermediate product destination section corresponding to the box(es) that you ticked.


Certification by Master of Fishing Vessel: In the case of all transhipments, the master of the fishing vessel shall complete this section, with his/her full name, signature and date (dd/mm/yyyy) to certify that the form correctly records the catch/harvest information.

The next part should be completed by the Master of the vessel receiving the southern bluefin tuna.

Name of Receiving Vessel: Enter the name of the Receiving vessel.

Registration Number: Enter the Registration Number of the Receiving vessel.

Flag State/Fishing Entity: Enter the Flag State or Fishing Entity of the Receiving vessel.

Certification by Master of Receiving Vessel: The master of the receiving vessel shall complete this section, with his/her full name, signature and date (dd/mm/yyyy) to certify that the form correctly records the fish that were transferred to the receiving vessel.

Signature of Observer (only for transhipments at sea): If a transhipment is covered by the CCSBT Resolution on Establishing a Program for Transhipment by Large-Scale Fishing Vessels (i.e. is transhipped at sea), then the observer must enter his/her full name, signature and date (dd/mm/yyyy). If there were any discrepancies between the observed transhipment and the information recorded on the Catch Monitoring Form, the observer’s transhipment report should document those discrepancies.


Point of Export

City: Enter the City of Export.

State or Province: Enter the State or Province of Export.

State/Fishing Entity: Enter the State/Fishing Entity of Export. For transhipments on the high seas, enter the CCSBT Statistical Area where the transhipment occurred and leave other fields blank.


State/Fishing Entity: Enter the State/Fishing Entity to which the southern bluefin tuna is being exported.

Certification by Exporter: The Exporter (2) must provide his/her name, signature, date (dd/mm/yyyy) and either the exporter license number or the exporter company name to certify the information provided in relation to the export shipment (i.e. that the form correctly records what is being exported). If the exporter does not have a licence number or exporter company name, then they should write their own name in this field.

Validation by Authority: Enter the name and full title of the official (1) signing the document, together with the signature of the official, date (dd/mm/yyyy) and official seal.

FINAL PRODUCT DESTINATION SECTION – tick and complete only one Destination

Tick the box to specify whether the final destination of the product is for landing of domestic product or for import.

You must then complete the part of the final product destination section corresponding to the box that you ticked.

Landing of Domestic Product for Domestic Sale

Certification of domestic sale: The initial person or company that receives southern bluefin tuna from a domestic vessel for the purpose of domestic sale must provide his/her/its name, address, date (dd/mm/yyyy) on which the southern bluefin tuna was landed/received, signature, type (3), and weight (kg) of the complete domestic landing of SBT.


Final Point of Import

City: Enter the City of Import.

State or Province: Enter the State or Province of Import.

State/Fishing Entity: Enter the State/Fishing Entity of Final Import.

Certification by Importer: The person or company that imports southern bluefin tuna must provide his/her/its name, address, date (dd/mm/yyyy) on which the southern bluefin tuna was imported, signature, type (3), and weight (kg). For fresh and chilled product, the signature of the importer may be substituted by a person of a customs clearance company when the authority for signature is properly accredited to it by the importer.




(1)  The official must be in the employment of, or delegated by, the competent authority of the Member, or Cooperating Non-Member that issued the Catch Monitoring Form. The Member or Cooperating Non-Member which utilizes a delegated entity shall submit a certified copy of such delegation to the Executive Secretary.

(2)  The individual certifying as ‘Exporter’ must be an appropriate authority approved by the exporting company to make this declaration on the company’s behalf, but it must not be the same individual as the authority validating the export.

(3)  A list of types is provided in the ‘Description of Fish’ section.


Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna


Catch Documentation Scheme

Document Number

T –

☐ Wild Harvest OR ☐ Farmed (tick only one)

Document Number of Associated Catch Monitoring Form




Name of Fishing Vessel (or Farm)

Vessel Registration Number (or CCSBT Farm serial number

Flag State/Fishing Entity




Information on other form(s) of Capture (e.g. Trap)


Tag Information

CCSBT Tag Number





Fork length


Gear Code (if applicable)

CCSBT statistical area of catch (if applicable)

Month of Harvest

















































































































































































Certification: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.










Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna


Instruction Sheet


This form is to be issued by the State/Fishing Entity that holds the national quota allocation against which these SBT have been taken.

This form must be completed and provided to the issuing State/Fishing Entity when completing the associated Catch Monitoring Form.

If a language other than one of the CCSBT official languages (English and Japanese) is used in completing the form, please add the English or Japanese translation on the Document.

Completed Catch Tagging Forms shall be provided to the Flag State/Fishing Entity, who shall provide the Information in the Catch Tagging Form to the CCSBT Executive Secretary in an electronic format on a quarterly basis.

The Catch Tagging Form has one main section (1) Catch.

The top of the form contains 3 additional pieces of Information that must always be completed. These are –

Document Number: Enter the unique document number that was allocated by the State/Fishing Entity of origin for this form.

Wild Harvest or Farmed: Tick only one box to specify whether this information is from a Wild Capture, or from a Farm.

Document number of Associated Catch Monitoring Form: Enter the unique Document Number of the Catch Monitoring Form that relates to this form.


Name of Fishing Vessel (or Farm): For farmed SBT, enter the name of the farm from which the SBT were harvested. For other SBT enter the name of the catching vessel.

Vessel Registration Number (or CCSBT Farm Serial Number): Enter the Registration Number of the Catching Vessel (or the CCSBT Farm Serial Number from the CCSBT Record of Authorised Farms).

Flag State/Fishing Entity: Enter the State or Fishing Entity of the Vessel or Farm.

Information on Other forms of Capture: Enter any relevant Information on the form of capture (e.g. Trap).

Tag Information

The Tagging Information for each fish must be recorded.

NOTE: One row shall describe one tagged southern bluefin tuna.

CCSBT Tag Number: Enter the unique tag number of the tag that has been inserted into the fish.

Type: Enter the type code from the table below that most closely matches the type of the SBT.






SBT Without any processing


Gilled and Gutted – Tail on

Processed with gills and gut removed. Operculae (gill plates/covers) and dorsal, pelvic and anal fins may or may not be removed


Gilled and Gutted – Tail off

Processed with gills, gut and tail removed. Operculae (gill plates/covers) and dorsal, pelvic and anal fins may or may not be removed


Dressed – Tail on

Processed with gills, gut operculae (gill plates/covers) and head removed. Dorsal, pelvic and anal fins may or may not be removed


Dressed – Tail off

Processed with gills, gut operculae (gill plates/covers) head and tail removed. Dorsal, pelvic and anal fins may or may not be removed

Weight (kg): Enter the weight (kg) of the fish.

Fork Length (cm): Enter the fork length of the fish, rounded to the nearest whole centimetre.

In cases where SBT can be measured at the time of kill: measure the straight line horizontal (not curved over body) length of the fish from the closed mouth to the fork of the tail before freezing and falling as shown in the diagram below.

In cases where length cannot be measured immediately after the time of kill, but is instead measured upon landing, and after tailing and before freezing: Measure the straight line horizontal (not curved over body) length of the fish from the closed mouth up to the point where the tall was removed, and then apply an appropriate conversion factor to this length measurement to convert It to a fork length measurement.



Gear code (if applicable): Identify the gear type that was used to harvest the southern bluefin tuna using the list below; for OTHER TYPE, describe the type of gear. In the case of farmed fish, write “FARM”.














Mid-water Trawl


Purse Seine


Rod and Reel


Sport Handline


Sport Fisheries Unclassified


Surface Fisheries Unclassified


Tended Line






Unspecified Method


Other Type

CCSBT Statistical Area of Catch (if applicable): Enter the area in which the southern bluefin tuna were harvested using the main CCSBT Statistical Areas (1 to 10 and 14 to 15) or the other CCSBT Statistical Areas (11 to 13) where there is no corresponding main area. In the case of farmed fish, it is not necessary to fill in this column.

Month of harvest (mm/yy): Enter the month and year of harvest of the southern bluefin tuna tagged; in case of farmed fish, this applies to the time of kill, not the time of initial harvest.

Certification and Validation

Certification: An appropriate authority should complete this section, with his/her full name, signature, date and title to certify that the form correctly records the tagging Information.


Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna


Catch Documentation Scheme

Document Number

RE –

☐ Re-Export Or ☐ Export after Landing of Domestic Product (tick only one)

Within this form, the term “Export” includes both exports and re-exports

☐ Full Shipment Or ☐ Partial Shipment (tick only one)

Form Number of Preceding Document (Catch Monitoring Form, or Re-Export/Export After Landing of Domestic Product Form)



Exporting State/Fishing Entity

Point of Export


State or Province

State/Fishing Entity





Name of Processing Establishment (if applicable)

Address of Processing Establishment (if applicable)



Catch Tagging Form Document Numbers (if applicable)


Description of Fish from previous CDS Document

Description of Fish being Exported

Flag State/Fishing Entity

Date of previous Import/Landing



Product: F (Fresh)/ FR (Frozen)

Type: RD/GGO/



Weight (kg)

Total Number of

whole Fish (including RD/GGO/GGT/DRO/DRT)

Product: F (Fresh)/ FR (Frozen)

Type: RD/GGO/



Weight (kg)

Total Number of

whole Fish (including RD/GGO/GGT/DRO/DRT)


































For Other (OT): Describe the type of product



For Other (OT): Describe the type of product


Destination (State/Fishing Entity)




Certification by Exporter: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.




Licence No./Company Name





Validation by Authority: I validate that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.


Name and Title







Final Point of Import


State or Province

State/Fishing Entity




Certification by Importer: I certify that the above information is complete, true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.










The organization/person which validates the Export section shall verify the copy of the original CCSBT CDS Document. Such a verified copy of the original CCSBT CDS document must be attached to the Re-export/Export after Landing of Domestic Product (RE) Form. When SBT is exported, all verified copies of concerned forms must be attached.


Commission for the Conservation of Southern Bluefin Tuna


Instruction Sheet


This form must accompany all re-exports of SBT and all exports of SBT that have previously been landed as domestic product, and a copy must be provided to the issuing State/Fishing Entity.

One REEF Form must be issued for:

Each CMF that was previously landed as domestic product but is now being exported, OR

Each REEF shipment that was imported and is being re-exported, together with a copy of its previously associated REEF(s) and CMF(s).

In addition, each REEF form must be accompanied by a copy of the associated Catch Monitoring Form and copies of any previously issued Re-Export/Export after Landing of Domestic Product Forms for the SBT being exported.

This form is not required for the “ first” export of the particular SBT if those SBT are being landed for the sole purpose of exporting. In this circumstance, only a Catch Monitoring Form needs to be created and accompany the product.

If a language other than one of the CCSBT official languages (English and Japanese) is used in completing the form, please add the English or Japanese translation on the Document.

The Re-export/Export after Landing of Domestic Product Form has 2 main sections: (1) Export; and (2) Import.

Within this form, the term “ Export” includes both Exports and Re-exports.

The top of the form contains 4 additional pieces of information that must always be completed. These are –

Re-Export or Export after Landing of Domestic Product: Tick only one box to indicate whether this is a Re-Export, or an Export after Landing of Domestic Product.

Document Number: Enter the unique document number that was allocated by the State/Fishing Entity of origin for this form.

Full Shipment or Partial Shipment: Tick only one box to specify whether this information is for a full or partial shipment. A Full shipment is where all the SBT in the preceding document are being exported.

Form number of Preceding Document: Enter the unique Document Number of the CDS form that precedes this. (Catch Monitoring Form or Re-Export/Export after Landing of Domestic Product Form).


Exporting State/Fishing Entity: Enter the Exporting State/Fishing Entity.

Point of Export: Enter the City, State or Province, and State/Fishing Entity of the point of Export.

Name of Processing Establishment (if applicable): Enter the full name of the Processing establishment (only required if further processing has taken place since the preceding CDS form).

Address of Processing Establishment (if applicable): Enter the full Address of the Processing establishment (only required if further processing has taken place since the preceding CDS form).

Catch Tagging Form Document Number(s) (if applicable): Enter the Document number of any Catch Tagging Forms that are associated with this form. This will be a subset of the Catch Tagging Forms that were recorded on the previous CDS document. The subset should include the Catch Tagging Forms for all whole SBT (including RD, GG, DR etc.) that are being exported on this form. If no whole SBT are being exported, this field can be left empty.

Description of Fish from previous CDS Document

This section must describe all the SBT from the previous CDS document.

Flag State/Fishing Entity: Enter the original catch/harvest Flag State/Fishing Entity.

Date of previous import/Landing: Enter the date (dd/mm/yyyy) of the import or landing from the previous CDS document.

NOTE: Each row shall describe only one product type

Product: Enter the product as either FRESH (F) or FROZEN (FR).

Type: Enter the type code from the table below that most closely matches the type of the SBT. For OT, describe the type of product, and specify a conversion factor.






SBT Without any processing


Gilled and Gutted – Tail on

Processed with gills and gut removed. Operculae (gill plates/covers) and dorsal, pelvic and anal fins may or may not be removed


Gilled and Gutted – Tail off

Processed with gills, gut and tail removed. Operculae (gill plates/covers) and dorsal, pelvic and anal fins may or may not be removed


Dressed – Tail on

Processed with gills, gut operculae (gill plates/covers) and head removed. Dorsal, pelvic and anal fins may or may not be removed


Dressed – Tail off

Processed with gills, gut operculae (gill plates/covers) head and tail removed. Dorsal, pelvic and anal fins may or may not be removed



Processed further than DRT, with the trunk cut into fillets



None of the above

Weight(kg): Enter the weight (kg) of the fish.

Total Number of whole Fish (including RD, GGO, GGT, DRO, DRT): Enter the number of fish that remain whole. A fish remains whole despite cleaning, gilling and gutting, freezing, removing fins, operculae (gill plates/covers) and tail and removing the head or parts of the head. A fish is no longer considered to be whole if it has undergone processes such as filleting or loining.

Other: Describe the type of product (if type is Other).

Description of Fish being Exported

This Export of SBT must be described, to the highest degree of accuracy using the following information.

NOTE: Each row shall describe only one product type.

Product: Enter the product being exported as either FRESH (F) or FROZEN (FR).

Type: Enter the type code from the table of ‘Types’ in the previous section of these instructions that most closely matches the type of the SBT. For OT, describe the type of product, and specify a conversion factor.

Weight (kg): Enter the weight (kg) of the fish being exported.

Total Number of whole Fish (including RD, GGO, GGT, DRO, DRT): Enter the number of fish that remain whole. A fish remains whole despite cleaning, gilling and gutting, freezing, removing fins, operculae (gill plates/covers) and tail and removing the head or parts of the head. A fish is no longer considered to be whole if it has undergone processes such as filleting or loining.

Other: Describe the type of product (if type is Other).

Destination (State/Fishing Entity): Enter the State/Fishing Entity to which the southern bluefin tuna is being exported.

Certification and Validation

Certification by Exporter: The Exporter (1) must provide his/her name, signature, date (dd/mm/yyyy) and either the exporter license number or the exporter company name to certify the information provided in relation to the export shipment (i.e. that the form correctly records what is being exported). If the exporter does not have a licence number or exporter company name, then they should write their own name in this field.

Validation by Authority: Enter the name and full title of the official (2) signing the document, together with the signature of the official, date (dd/mm/yyyy) and official seal.


Final Point of Import

City: Enter the City of Import.

State or Province: Enter the State or Province of Import.

State/Fishing Entity: Enter the State/Fishing Entity of Final Import.


Certification by Importer: The person or company that imports southern bluefin tuna must provide his/her/its name, address, signature, date (dd/mm/yyyy) on which the southern bluefin tuna was imported. For fresh and chilled product, the signature of the importer may be substituted by a person of a customs clearance company when the authority for signature is properly accredited to it by the importer.

(1)  The Individual certifying as ‘Exporter’ must be an appropriate authority approved by the exporting company to make this declaration on the company’s behalf, but it must not be the same individual as the authority validating the export.

(2)  The official must be in the employment of, or delegated by, the competent authority of the State/Fishing Entity that exported the SBT appearing on the document. The Member, Cooperating Non-Member or Other State/Fishing Entity Cooperating in the CDS which utilizes a delegated entity shall submit a certified copy of such delegation to the Executive Secretary.



Carrier Vessel

Fishing Vessel

Name of the Vessel and Radio Call Sign:


Flag State/Fishing Entity license number:

National Register Number, if available:

CCSBT Register Number, if available:

Name of the Vessel and Radio Call Sign:


Flag State/Fishing Entity license number:

National Register Number, if available:

CCSBT Register Number, if available:








Agent’s name:

Master’s name of Fishing Vessel:

Master’s name of Carrier:
























From (Port name):












To (Port name):

Indicate the weight in kilograms or the unit used (e.g. box, basket) and the landed weight in kilograms of this unit: |____ | kilograms










Type of product







GGO1 (kg)

GGT1 (kg)

DRO1 (kg)

DRT1 (kg)


Other1 (kg)


















If transhipment effected at sea, CCSBT Observer Name and Signature:


The type of product should be indicated as Round (RD), Gilled and gutted – tail on (GGO), Gilled and gutted – tail off, (GGT), Dressed – tail on (DRO), Dressed – tail off (DRT), Fillet (FL), or Other (OT).

If filling out an ICCAT, IOTC or WCPFC Transhipment Declaration (TD), record the SBT weight (kg) against the product type that most closely matches the appropriate CCSBT SBT product type (as listed above).