SHORE Beachcleanup - Commission européenne Aller au contenu principal
Oceans and fisheries
  • Journées d’information

SHORE Beachcleanup

Under the EUBeachCleanup initiative, 50 students participated in the SHORE project and collected waste along the Black Sea coast. They then used the collected waste to create the EUBeachCleanup logo.

  • ocean | marine pollution
  • jeudi 19 septembre 2024, 12 h 00 - 15 h 00 (CEST)
  • istanbul, Türkiye
  • Événement extérieur

Informations pratiques

jeudi 19 septembre 2024, 12 h 00 - 15 h 00 (CEST)
Yildiz Technical University
istanbul, Türkiye
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