Senegal - European Commission
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Oceans and fisheries


Sustainable fisheries partnership agreement with Senegal

The current fisheries partnership agreement concluded between the EU and Senegal covers the period 20 November 2014 – 19 November 2019, and is tacitly renewed for 5-year periods.

This fisheries agreement allows EU vessels from Spain and France to fish in the Senegalese waters and is part of the tuna network fisheries agreements in West Africa.

Main features of the SFPA

Duration of the agreement

5 years renewable (20.11.2014 - 19.11.2019)

Duration of the protocol

5 years (18.11.2019 - 17.11.2024)

Nature of the SFPA 

Tuna fishery agreement with a limited demersal hake component

Financial contribution

€1,700,000/year. Including €900,000/year to the support of the fisheries sector.

Fee for ship owners

Tuna: €80 (3 yrs), €85 (2 yrs) for purse seiners,  €75 for longliners and poles and lines, per tonne caught.Hake: €95 per tonne caught


Tuna seiners: €18,500 per year 
Pole-and-liners: €13,000 per year 
Longliners: €3,525 per year 
Trawlers: €500 per trimester (max 2 vessels in the same period)

Reference tonnage (tuna)

10,000 t/year

Total allowable catch (hake)

1,750 t/year


Tuna seiners 16 12 28
Pole-and-liners 8 2 10
Longliners 3 2 5
Trawlers 2 - 2


A Framework Agreement, one of the first bilateral fisheries agreements ever concluded by the European Union,  was adopted by Council Regulation (EEC) No 2212/80 of 27.6.80 (OJ L 226 of 29.8.80) was implemented by successive protocols. The last one covered the period from 1.7.2002 to 30.6.2006. and established fishing opportunities for crustaceans, small pelagic species, demersal species and tuna.

A new sustainable fisheries partnership agreement and a 5 year implementing protocol were signed on 20 November 2014. A second protocol was signed on 18 November 2019 and offers fishing possibilities for tuna and includes a limited access to black hake, a deep demersal resource at levels in accordance with the requirements of the common fisheries policy (CFP). The protocol thus contributes to sustainability of the fish stocks, protection of the local fishermen and food security, strict controls and support to the fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU). 

Scientific advice

In accordance with the agreement and its implementing protocol, the two parties encourage scientific cooperation and consult a Joint Scientific Committee (JSC) to strengthen monitoring of the marine biological resources and to examine scientific questions relating to the implementation of the protocol. 

As previously decided by the two Joint Committees, the EU-Senegal and the EU-The Gambia ones, scientific experts from the EU, Senegal and The Gambia have officially joined forces in 2024 in a tripartite JSC. The January 2024 session of the tripartite JSC was the second ordinary session under the current the EU-Senegal implementing protocol (2019-2024) and the first ordinary session of the current EU-The Gambia implementing protocol (2019-2025).

Reports of the EU-Senegal Joint Scientific Committee

Report of the 2024 meeting of the Joint Scientific Committee to the EU-Senegal and EU-Gambia Fisheries Partnership Agreements (in French)

Report of the 2023 meeting of the Joint Scientific Committee to the EU-Senegal Fisheries Partnership Agreement (in French)   

Report of the 2018 meeting of the Joint Scientific Committee to the EU-Senegal Fisheries Partnership Agreement


Current legal framework

Agreement and protocol, adopted by Council Decision 2014/733/EU of 8.10.2014 (OJ L  304 of 23.10.2014.) 

The second protocol for the period 2019-2024 was signed on 18.11.2019 and adopted by Council Decision (EU) 2019/1925 (OJ L 299, 20.11.2019)

Council Regulation (EU) 2019/1926 of 14 November 2019 on the allocation of fishing opportunities under the Protocol on the implementation of the Agreement on a Sustainable Fisheries Partnership between the European Union and the Republic of Senegal”

Council Decision (EU) 2020/1786 of 27 November 2020 on the conclusion of the Protocol on the implementation of the Agreement on a Sustainable Fisheries Partnership between the European Union and the Republic of Senegal”