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Oceans and fisheries

FAMENET stories

FAMENET communicates the successes of the EMFF and EMFAF, through the collection of good practices and stories, to a wide range of audiences.

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FAMENET stories (55)

Showing results 30 to 40
Nephrops’ trawl boarded and opened on the sorting table by the fisher with his trainee in the rear, © Solenne Le Guennec
  • News article

Starting a business is not always easy. This is certainly the case in the world of fisheries, where there is so much to know. In France, to help young people enter this old and important trade, the Finistère regional Fisheries and Marine Aquaculture Committee created the EU-funded Pathways to

  • 2 min read
Scene from practical rescue and survival training at sea, ©Rok Sorta
  • News article

With a little less than 50 km of coastline, fishers in Slovenia often need to be able to diversify. This is why the maritime school of Portorož partnered with local fishers and Istra fisheries local action group to launch an EU-funded training programme “Be a fisher!”,

  • 2 min read
Port of Vigo, Spain
  • News article

PuertAlMar, which translates as 'gateway to the sea', is a project that shows how human activities and thriving biodiversity can coexist in ports. It also shows how the carbon footprint of ports can be reduced.

  • 3 min read
Demonstration of the FRESQO prototype ©ATHENA Research Center
  • News article

Nobody wants to eat a fish gone bad, and so quality control is key to ensure freshness. Normally this is done by an experienced veterinarian looking at fish samples. The EU-funded FRESQO project has developed a prototype for a revolutionary automated tool that can improve this process, and so help

  • 2 min read
New electric boat in the Albufera lagoon ©GALP Gandia Albufera
  • News article

Greening maritime shipping is a major objective of the European Green Deal. The objective of moving away from fossil fuels and reducing CO2 emissions is not only being sought at political level.

  • 3 min read
The long-snouted seahorse (Hippocampus guttulatus)
  • News article

At the start of the century the Ria Formosa lagoon in southern Portugal was home to the biggest seahorse population in the world. Only two decades later, the situation has changed dramatically, and seahorse numbers have fallen by more than 90%. HIPPOSAVE is an action plan for the recovery and

  • 3 min read