Women are underrepresented in fisheries and the maritime world: many gender stereotypes still prevent women from working on board vessels, even when they have relevant diplomas. In the EU as a whole, 3% of the crews of high seas fishing vessels are women, and in Spain the figure is just 1%.

In 2009, the Swedish authorities established a national marine park in Kosterhavets in western Sweden. The park covers an area of some 390 km2 and is home to around 12,000 animal species.

The EU-funded TEKNOFISK and AUTOCATCH projects are developing an automatic catch information system that will provide detailed data on the catch entering the trawl, thus enabling fishers to make informed decisions on the ongoing catching process.

Traditionally, unwanted species caught during fishing, were often thrown back over the railing. This wasteful practice negatively affected the sustainable exploitation of marine biological resources, marine ecosystems and the financial viability of fisheries.

Marine litter is a global concern, affecting all the oceans of the world. Awareness raising campaigns are an integral part of strategies to induce those changes. In Italy, a coalition of civil society, local institutions and parks has joined forces with the EU with the REMARE project.

The Kraimorie district in Burgas, Bulgaria, is a community of only 851 souls, known for its long tradition in fishing and fish farming. At the same time, Kraimorie also projects some wider global trends.

Emil Milev has been working as a ship repair factory employee, but has always dreamed of building his own fishing fleet to operate in the Black Sea.

Or how to produce delicious fish in a natural paradise (with a little help of the EU)

A project that sells salmon leather products in various categories, ranging from clothes, bags, belts or purses, and even jewellery.

With a growing demand for sustainable and healthy food, sea cucumbers may just be the next big thing for European aquaculture. Closely related to sea
Capraia is a small island in the upper Tyrrhenian Sea, in the Tuscan Archipelago National Park between Italy and the island of Corsica. Measuring just
Artisanal fisheries are characterised by their diversity: its catches belong to multiple species and biological groups. They are also diverse in their
Martin Traxler took a life-changing decision. For the love of nature, he left his previous managerial job in Vienna to start a fish farm in the...
Marine litter including abandoned fishing nets - also known as ghost nets - are a serious threat to marine ecosystems. In the EU, an estimated 20% of.
In a world where food resources are becoming scarce, conventional agriculture faces challenges in feeding 7 billion people and fish resources are...
Factsheet published in 2019
Factsheet published in 2019
Factsheet published in 2019
Factsheet published in 2019
Our story of the month comes from Austria, where thanks to the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) you can now buy fresh fish and vegetables..
Our story this month is on a conservation project off the coast of Schleswig-Holstein, in Germany, financed through the European Maritime and...