CISE is a network that enables structured and secure information sharing among EU maritime authorities, both civil and military, across borders and sectors. It plays a crucial role in increasing awareness of maritime activities and improving responses to growing threats at sea, like physical and cyber-attacks on critical infrastructure, irregular migration, drug trafficking, and other illegal activities.
CISE is a major EU policy goal, supported by various strategic documents:
- 202324 October
The updated EU Maritime Security Strategy and Action Plan reaffirmed the commitment to a fully operational CISE. It includes specific actions aimed at CISE, such as:
- Encouraging EU countries' coast guard and military authorities to join the CISE community.
- Using CISE to share maritime surveillance information to boost resilience and safeguard critical maritime infrastructure.
- Considering CISE for interagency information sharing.
- Strengthening Maritime Surveillance (MARSUR) and ensuring effective information exchange between MARSUR Network and CISE.
CISE aims to connect European and national maritime surveillance systems to facilitate easy information exchange.
National authorities involved in maritime transport safety, fisheries control, pollution response, marine environment protection, customs, border control, law enforcement, and defence benefit from CISE.
By connecting these various sectors, CISE helps in understanding all sea activities that may impact the EU's security, safety, economy, or environment.
The European Commission oversees the process and encourages all EU countries to participate.
The CISE Stakeholders Group, which includes experts from EU countries governs CISE. Other members include the European Commission, the European External Action Service (EEAS), the European Defence Agency (EDA), the European Fisheries Control Agency (EFCA), European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA), the European Border and Coast Guard Agency (Frontex), and the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen).
The strategic and political direction of the operational phase is guided by the Member States Experts sub-group on Maritime Security and Surveillance (MSEsG) and the Council's Friends of the Presidency group on EU’s maritime security strategy (EUMSS).
- 20241 July
The operational phase of CISE was officially launched, managed by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).
- 2019-2024
A five-year transitional phase established CISE's main components, including nodes and cooperation agreements.
- 2009
Development of CISE began.
Maritime CISE: a Common Information Sharing Environment for the European maritime domain
A maritime Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) is a collective need to ensure safe, secure and clean seas around Europe for its security and sustainability. Our combined ability to adapt to the modern global context requires the sharing of relevant information across all maritime surveillance sectors and countries, to increase awareness and responsiveness throughout the European maritime domain.