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Oceans and fisheries

Electrifying boat engines

New electric boat in the Albufera lagoon ©GALP Gandia Albufera
New electric boat in the Albufera lagoon
©GALP Gandia Albufera

Collaboration among fishers, scientists, manufacturers and public authorities on the construction and piloting of an 8-metre electric boat. The use of such electric fishing and leisure boats will cut CO2 emissions, while improving water quality and working conditions on the boats.

The Palmar Fishing Association has been fishing in the Albufera Lagoon for centuries, using artisanal methods. Tourism is also an important economic activity in the area. Despite its Natural Park status, water quality continues to suffer from eutrophication and human-generated pollution. Boats contribute to these environmental concerns by discharging oil and unburnt fuel into the lagoon and generating noise pollution, which affects the many species of fish and birds.

The fishing association obtained two grants from La Safor LAG to carry out a study and the construction of a prototype boat powered by electricity to establish the viability of moving away from fossil fuel combustion engines. The projects also involved the Valencia City Council and the Polytechnic University of Valencia, which carried out the study and directed the design and construction of the pilot. The private sector was also mobilised to supply engine parts, batteries and to build a specially conceived boat.

The study analysed the ecological impact and economic viability linked to the transition from diesel to electric engines and looked for practical solutions to make it possible. For the construction of a prototype boat and engine, the suppliers, contacted as part of the study, were involved to help develop the engine. The last local 'calafatador' (builder of the traditional boats used in the Albufera) also participated, making the wooden pieces that were then assembled for the structure of the vessel.


The construction and successful pilot of an 8-metre prototype boat powered by an electric engine of 10 kW (48v) with an autonomy of 6 hours. It runs at the usual sailing speed of the boats in the lagoon, just below 4 knots (7.4 km/h). The vessel was formally launched in December 2022 and used to promote the electrification of other boats in the Albufera and two other Natural Parks.

The prototype drastically reduces noise pollution, eliminated the Hydrocarbon discharges into the water and reduced CO2 emissions 10-fold, equivalent to almost 2 tonnes/year.

The maintenance cost of the electric engine is around 50% less than of the local combustion vessels and saves €722/year on fuel costs (charging during off-peak times).

The success of the pilot led to a series of grants (up to €30 000 per beneficiary) being launched by the Regional Government of Valencia for the electrification of other fishing and leisure boats in La Albufera and two other Natural Parks.


Palmar Fisheries Association
comunidadatcpescadoreselpalmar [dot] com
Phone number
+34 961620347
Postal address


La Safor LAG
galpgandiaalbuferaatgmail [dot] com
Phone number
+34 605468240