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Oceans and fisheries
  • News announcement
  • 18 December 2024
  • Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries
  • 1 min read

Euronews OCEAN Season 6, Episode 12 – Hooked on salmon: EU-backed efforts to protect Sweden's threatened wild species

In the 1980s, Sweden's wild salmon population was on the brink of extinction. Today, it's a remarkable success story both for the nature and the local economy, showcasing the power of environmental restoration and sustainable management. 

The recovery of this beloved species, integral to local identity, was made possible through EU-supported river restoration (the WLE Interreg Europe project).

In this episode of 'Ocean,' we explore Norrbotten County in Sweden to understand the crucial role of rivers for migrating salmon populations. We see some of the measures that helped the salmon's return, including river restoration, barrier mitigation, and sustainable fishery management.

Read the full article.

OCEAN is a Euronews magazine in collaboration with the Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (MARE). It features monthly 8-minute videos, where we discover fascinating projects and developments related to the ocean and coastal communities.

Broadcast since 2019, OCEAN features episodes on marine protected areas, small-scale fisheries, ocean energy, aquaculture, IUU fishing, sustainable fisheries and much more. Missed one? Check them out on the Euronews website! You will also find some nice extras about these topics.

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Publication date
18 December 2024
Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries