Representatives of the European Commission (DG MARE), EU Member States, European Parliament, Council of the European Union, Advisory Councils and other EU stakeholders participated in the Workshop of Digital Tools for Small-Scale Fisheries (Brussels, 4-5 December), organised in the context of the Expert Group on Fisheries Control.
Attendees shared knowledge, solutions, current trends and best practices on digital monitoring and catch reporting tools for small-scale vessels. These discussions will feed into the revision of the European Commission’s proposal for a new Control Regulation system.
The conclusions and presentations of this workshop are available below.

Expert group on fisheries control | Workshop on digital tools for small-scale fisheries (SSF)
Session 1

FR | VMS in France

SE | Monitoring areas with fishing restrictions in Sweden

DK | Use of GPS and sensor data "Black Box" in the Danish mussel dredge fishery

ES | Marine Instruments - Lite VMS

DE | Mofi app - Germany

UK | Vessel monitoring system for the scallop fishery in Wales

IE | Monitoring SSF - Detecting fishing events - Ireland
Session 2

HR | m-Logbook - Croatia

NL | E-Lite - Digital catch registration for small vessels - The Netherlands

EE | ERS Light - Estonia

FR | FishFriender - Monitoring and catch reporting system

ES | ACERGA - Aplicación movíl, web y escritorio para control de desembarques

GR | Pelagic Data Systems - Pelagic Box
Session 3

European Commission | EMFF support for monitoring and reporting: moving towards a culture of compliance

ES | Green Boxes - Caja Verde

HR | Croatian UAV system in fisheries inspection

MT | Automatic weighing and labelling machines (AWL)
Session 4

Workshop on digital tools for small-scale fisheries
- Publication date
- 7 December 2018
- Author
- Directorate-General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries