Projects - European Commission
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Oceans and fisheries


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Projects (105)

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Information board in the “honey garden” at the fish farm entrance ©Lidija Šnut

This trout farm integrated solar energy, waste management innovations, and community engagement, becoming a regional hub for renewable energy, biodiversity, and education.

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Once declared extinct in the region, the Baltic sturgeon is being reintroduced to its native waterways through the Stör project, led by German scientists.

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Lithuania used EU funds to implement eel management, including restocking, monitoring, migration research, and sustainability assessments. 

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The VISTools app uses smart sensors onboard to monitors catch details, fuel consumption, and location in real-time, providing skippers and shipowners valuable operational insights.

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Supported by the local FLAG, a family processing business has created the first Anchovy Art Gallery in the city of Santoña, the birthplace of the famous Cantabria´s anchovy.

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