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Success stories (153)
RSSDIAdromous Species: moving towards new PARadigms to achieve holistic scientific Advice
The Belgian fishing industry faces numerous challenges, including regulatory changes, limited resources, and intense competition. GeoVis offers a solution, integrating scientific, industry, and regulatory data into a single, streamlined online platform for Belgian fishing areas.
A new aquaculture hub is revolutionising Latvia's aquaculture sector by promoting innovation and sustainable practices. Supported by EU funding, the TOME Aquaculture Centre provides expert training, skill development, and advisory services to entrepreneurs, encouraging knowledge transfer and
Yes you can! Pure Algae, a small innovative Danish business, has developed a sustainable land-based algae and seaweed cultivation system. Even better, this system can be installed alongside land-based aquaculture activities, using the nutrients produced to grow algae.
Discovering the value of invasive Black Sea sea snails as a culinary delicacy, a family-run business from Varna in Bulgaria, has developed a new market for the molluscs. With EU support, Sever Export has grown rapidly, now operating a fleet of four vessels and an onshore plant for processing sea
The Baltic sturgeon has been vanishing at a startling rate in recent decades, at one point becoming essentially extinct. German scientists are leading efforts to reintroduce Baltic sturgeon to their native waterways and to protect existing populations through the EU-funded ‘Stör’ project.
SEAWATER Cubes, a German startup founded in 2018, aims to transform seafood production with its modular decentralised aquaculture system. This alternative approach to conventional farming methods provides more sustainable seafood, supports global food security, and offers an innovative source
The European Union's BlueInvest platform is a pioneering initiative aimed at accelerating innovation and investment opportunities in the sustainable blue economy.
A plan to make a Slovenian trout farm self-sufficient in renewable energy has become a model of water use, waste management, biodiversity, and social engagement.
Fishing is changing, and projects like VISTools are leading the way. This innovation harnesses the power of technology to optimise fishing operations by automating data collection and analysis of data on fishing vessels.